Types of Bandhas

  1. Uddiyana Bandha (Fly-up-lock):
    "Ud" "Di" in Sanskrit means to 'fly up'. Here it is said that for the Yogi who practices this regularly, his 'Prana' moves up through the subtle centres. The significance of Uddiyana is to restrain the breath and hence is called a Bandha or Lock, Exhale completely through the mouth; expand the chest by mock inhalation movement sucking in the relaxed abdominal muscles so that they lie flat almost in touch with the back bone. This is practiced at the end of Kunbhaka before the beginning of Recaka. This is also the first stage of the Nauli Kriya. Maintain for some time and then inhale slowly.
  2. Jalandhara Bandha (Glottis-lock):
    This is used for restraining the breath below the level of the glottis after inhalation in Antarkumbhaka.
    Contract the throat, press the chin firmly against the chest at the jugular notice after inhaling. The breath is stopped at the throat. With gradual practice the pressure of air on the glottis will be the breath gets stepped near the throat.
  3. Mula Bandha (Anus-lock):
    In Padmasana, press the perineum with the left heel, keep the right heel above the genital organs and contract the anus.

These three bandhas Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mula Bandha from one group called Bandha Traya (The Lock Trinity). These Bandhas are used exclusively as locks during Kambhaka i.e., to restrain and close the passage for the breath. Uddiyana Bandha during Antaraya Kumbhaka. Mula Bandha can be done during Puraka, Kumbhala, Recaka and also in meditation and Japa. This Bandha prevents the building up of tension in the head.