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Beauty Tips


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General tips on reducing body odour, naturally......
Always, use cotton or natural fibers for your clothes during the hot months. Keep the clothes loose and the fabric light to help the sweat to evaporate faster.
Knitted or handloom fabrics are better than machine made fabrics, as they are slightly loose in their weaving and this lets more air to circulate around your body aiding the drying of sweat.
Shoes and socks also trap sweat causing the bad odour to emanate from your feet. Wear cotton socks, and wear strappy, open shoes to keep your feet dry. If you can’t avoid wearing shoes, dust your feet with pure sandalwood powder, which keeps your feet cool and infection free.
Dusting cornstarch on the feet before getting into socks and shoes helps to keep them dry (moisture encourages bacteria to grow and flourish), or one can try soaking them daily in warm water with white vinegar or Epsom salts added.
Yoga or meditation keeps your mind and body under control, thus controlling the hormonal secretions in your body. The more relaxed you are, the less you have to get stressed about body odour.
Drink plenty of fluids. This will keep the body cool inside and slow the metabolic rate, thereby slowing down the rate of perspiration.

Go light on hot spices, onion and garlic, as these aggravate the body odour. Drink curd and coconut water to keep your system cool. Fruits like lemon, oranges and watermelon can be used for the same purpose.

Shower with an antiseptic soap after strenuous activities. This gets rid of the harmful bacteria. Last rinse can, with a few drops of sandalwood or lavender oil added to it, keep your body smelling fresh for a longer time than most deodorants.

Sweat glands are generally found under the hair follicles. These hairs trap the sweat and become a breeding ground for bacteria, causing bad odour. So, hair in the pubic area and armpits should be removed or trimmed to ensure personal hygiene. Scalp hair should be kept clean with regular shampoos to avoid bad odour and infections of the scalp.

The armpits and the pubic area are the main area of concern when it comes to body odour. The reason being that these areas is generally covered, and the sweat does not dry soon enough causing the bacteria to decompose it. So wear loose, cotton undergarments and avoid wearing tight clothes in warm weather.

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