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Black Heads......

Blackheads are caused by over active sebaceous glands (the oil producing glands of the skin). The excess secretion of oil expands and thickens the pores of the skin. The oil collects in the pores and hardens into a plug. The pores are then clogged with hardened sebum or oil. Since the pores are open, the tip of the clogged grease is exposed to the air and oxidises, turning black. Hence, blackheads are formed.
Blackheads not only appear on the face, but on the back, chest and other areas that are rich in sebaceous glands. 
Blackhead extraction is a professional job and it should be left to people who

know exactly know how to do it. Never pick at them. Tampering with the skin by forcing blackheads out brutally can damage the skin tissue by destroying the inner layer. The counter part of the blackhead is the whitehead, which is also caused by collection of sebum in the pores, but in this case the pores are not open and the sebum is not exposed to the air.

Methods to remove blackheads:
The first and the foremost thing is that the skin should be kept very clean.

  1. Use an oatmeal or almond mask throughly to cleanse your face. Mix either oatmeal or almond powder with enough rose water to make a soft paste that spreads easily on the skin. Rub it on your skin with your fingertips, paying special attention the problem areas. Leave to dry for about 15 minutes and then rinse off with cold water.

  2. Apply undiluted lemon juice, two to three times a day, on the affected areas.

  3. A solution made out of one and a half cups of hot water and half a tablespoon of boric powder is an ideal concoction for blackheads, Saturate a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Pat on an astrigent.

  4. Warm a little honey and apply on the trouble spots. Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

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