How do I revaluate my answer scripts?

Application for Revaluation of Mathematics answer paper of SSLC Examination, 2000
(See the instructions given at the back before filling the Application Form)

1. Name of the candidate
   and Complete residential


2. Examination
Year of examination and month
Year month
3. Name and address of the
   High school/Composite
   junior college where the
   candidate has studied


4. No. of the Examination
    Code No. of the School :
5. Subject for which the candidate wants photocopy
Subject Subject Code Medium
Mathematics 81  
6. Fee paid Amount Rs.______________  in words   ______________________________
    Bank treasury No. ___________ Date ______________ Name of the bank

It is certified that the facts given above are true and factual.



Signature of the candidate/Parent


  1. Revaluation applies to the Mathematics subject only.

  2. Filled forms for revaluation with the signatures of the Candidate/parent can be submitted in person or through the Registered post to the following Address:

    Director (Examinations)
    Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board
    6th Cross, Malleswaram, Bangalore – 560003

  3. " Application for revaluation of Mathematics paper"-this sentence should be written in block letters on the Envelope of applications.

  4. The applications should reach the Board within 15 days of the candidate receiving the Photocopy.

  5. Every application should be enclosed with a demand draft of Rs.450/-. The DD should be drawn in favour of "Director, Director (Examinations)

    Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, Bangalore"

  6. The candidate should write his name and Registration No. behind the DD without fail.

  7. The students who have got the photocopies should first examine it in detail and should apply for revaluation only if they are dissatisfied.

  8. Incomplete applications and applications which are received after the due date will be rejected without citing any reason.

  9. Failed candidates should not wait for the result of revaluation and should pay the fee and apply for the examinations. If the candidate does not apply for the examination for the sole reason that the result of the revaluation has not yet come, he will be doing this on his own responsibility.

  10. After the results are announced the candidate can apply without waiting for the marks card. The candidates can know of their marks obtained through their head of the school

  11. Students who have done malpractices and whose results are withheld are not eligible for applying for revaluation.

  12. Every candidate should enclose a self addressed, sufficiently stamped envelope so as to know the result of revaluation.

  13. If the revaluation result shows 6 or more marks excess than the marks scored originally the fee for the revaluation will be refunded and a revised marks card will be given.

  14. If the revaluation result is more than 1 mark but less than 5 marks, or if it is less by 6 or less than six a revised markscard will be given.

  15. Since the revaluation results are final, there is no scope for review or appeal.


Director (Examinations) 


Subject: Regarding taking up SSLC Examination October 2000 as private candidates.

Ref: Government order no. ED7sxm96, dated 5-2-97, fixing up of 15 years to private candidates as in the case of school students.

  1. The candidates who have completed 15 years as on 1-9-2000 and who wish to appear for the SSLC examination of September – October 2000 privately should submit the applications before 5-6-2000 in the prescribed forms with application fee Rs.5-00 and registration fee Rs.175-00. This apart, every candidate should pay Rs.3-00 towards the expenses on letter correspondence (administrative) along with registration fee. Candidates belonging to the SC, ST, BT group are exempted from the registration fee of Rs.175-00 and application fee of Rs.5-00 as per the Govt Order: SWL273BPA 78 dated 27-3-1979. Still, candidates belonging to these three categories should pay Rs.3-00 towards the expenses on letter correspondence (administrative).

  1. These candidates should submit the attested caste certificates by the below said
    departmental officers along with the registration form:
  1. Social welfare department

  2. Development Department.

  3. Revenue department 

  4. Assistant education Officer of Department of Public instructions

  1. Last dates for receiving the applications for registering for the September examination are fixed as follows:
  1. Without fine: Monday, 5-6-2000

  2. With fine of Rs.20-00, : 12-6-2000

  1. Candidates who wish to appear for September – October 2000 Examinations who are blind/handicapped and candidates who are getting treatment from Kidwai Institute of Oncology should have been of 15 years as on 1-9-2000. These candidates should produce original certificates about blindness, handicap, from District health Officer or from an officer not less than his post.

  2. The candidates who have got registration letter for the examinations of April 2000 or before and not appeared for the examination wish to appear for September – October Examination, should pay Rs.50-00 as renewal fee and they can renew their registration forms from sending the registration forms to their heads of the High school/Junior college.

  3. The fees regarding the registration, renewal should be sent to the Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board, Bangalore in the form of DD from any scheduled bank within 6-6-2000 and 13-6-2000 and should be sent along with the application forms.

  4. The list of the candidates from SC, ST and BC group who have got exemption from the registration fee and the list of all the candidates should be sent along with the application forms.

  5. Regarding the applications of private candidates one should personally see the details of the information and the enclosures and send applications without fine before 12-6-2000 and with fine before 19-6-2000

  6. If there are no registration applications to the schools, report of "Nil" applications should be sent to the board before 12-6-2000 and 19-6-2000.

  7. Before sending the registration forms to the Board, the following points should be
    taken note of:

  1. If the transfer certificate is from the other State, there should be a counter sign on the form by those concerned in that State.

  2. Blind/handicapped and candidates who are getting treatment from Kidwai Institute of Oncology should have been of 15 years as on 1-9-2000.Other candidates should also be of 15 years.

  3. The registration applications should reach the Board before 12-6-2000 and 19-6-2000.

  4. For date of birth the original certificate should be enclosed. If not studied in the school, the affidavits for date of birth should have been got before the Judicial Magistrate or the notary.

  5. There should be signatures of the candidate and the head of the school on the photographs of the candidates.

  6. If the candidates are blind, handicapped and suffering from cancer, they should submit the original certificate from the above said medical officer.

  7. The candidates who have studied in schools some time should submit the Transfer certificate as proof of their date of birth. The candidates who have studied in schools like this will not be permitted to submit affidavits.

  8. As written in Para 2, SC,ST and BC group candidates should submit the original caste certificates from the departmental officers.

  9. Candidates who have passed the SSLC examination from Karnataka or any other equivalent examination are not eligible to appear privately for the examination.

  10. All the applications, which are incomplete, or fee not paid on date, or submitted after the due date will be rejected without citing any reason. The heads of the schools will be responsible for the subsequent consequences.

  11. As instructed in the Govt Order, ED 374 spj 91 dated 21-6-1991 even the candidates will be given the transfer certificates as in the case of school students.

  1. Special instruction:
  1. Each school should not admit not more than 50 students. If there are more than 50 applications submitted to the board, first 50 applications, which are in order, will be entertained and other applications will be rejected without giving any reason. Any information will not be given from the board in this matter. There is no scope for correspondence in this matter. When sending the applications of private candidates priority should be followed. SC, ST, BC, handicapped, ex-servicemen, --like this the priority should be given and accordingly the list should be prepared. If registration fees of more than 50 students are paid to the board, the extra fee amount will be forfeited.

  2. If the last dates of receiving registration fees and drafts fall on Govt holidays, then the next office day will be considered as the last day.

  3. Every candidate who had registered in any primary school, wishes to appear privately then the candidate should have the signature of the concerned Taluk Assistant Education Officer on the transfer certificate. (This will not apply for the Government schools.)

  1. All private students should bear in mind that they have to write the examination in District Examination centers