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Destination of the Month

Biligiri Rangan Hills 

The Biligiri Rangan Hills are located in Mysore district, Karnataka State. It   just 120 kms. from Mysore & 247 Kms from Bangalore, on a hilly terrain at an altitude of 3300 ft., (to 5000 ft.,) above sea level. Biligiri Rangaswamy Temple (BRT) Wildlife Sanctuary covers an area of approximately 540 kms. The terrain is highly undulating with altitudes ranging from 600 m at the foothills to 1800 m above sea level. Biligiri means 'white capped', although on approaching the hills appear to shimmer blue.All round are deciduous trees. And roaming amidst the long grass and tall trees are animals. Wake up to the chirping of birds & humming of bees. Breathe in fresh, clean air. Take a stroll through the sylvan surroundings. And let the cool breeze blow your cares away.As the day quietly slips into night, watch the stars come out, one by one. The moon casts a silver light. And some where in the distance you hear a tiger roar. How close you are to nature and how peaceful life is here! Isn't this just what the doctor ordered?Plenty of them! So if you're looking for a cool time with a little bit of wild excitement thrown in, welcome to B.R.Hills........    

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