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The temple of Aihole is famous as the 'Cradle of Indian Temple Architecture'. Aihole has over 125 temples all intricately carved and rich in detail. The oldest temple here, is the Lad Khan Temple, which dates back to the 5th Century. The Durga (Fort) Temple has a semi-circular apse, elevated plinth and the gallery that encircles the sanctum. The interior is filled with fascinating carvings. Chamundi Devi trampling the buffalo demon, Narasimha, Ardhanari and Mahishasura Mardini are


very famous. The Hutchmalli Temple has a sculpture of Vishnu sitting atop a large cobra. The Ravalphadi Cave Temple, which dates back from 6th century, celebrates the many forms of Shiva. The Konti Temple Complex, the Uma Maheshwar Temple, the Jain Meguthi Temple and the two-storeyed Buddhist Temple are the other attractions at Aihole.




It is a World Heritage Centre and has 10 major temples representing early Chalukyan architecture. The biggest temple dedicated to Virupaksheshvara, has a huge gateway and several inscriptions. It has scenes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. It has a wonderful carving designed to look like an elephant from one side and a buffalo from the other. In front of the temple is a majestic 2.6 m high Nandi. The Mallikarjuna and Papanatha Temple, and the Jain Temple from the Rashtrakuta period are some of the historical treasure of the state. It is about 24 km from Aihole and 29 km from Badami.



was the capital of the early Chalukyas. It is picturesquely situated at the mouth of a ravine between two rocky hills. It has four rock-cut cave temples. The first three belong to the Vedic faith and the fourth cave is the only Jain temple. The first cave temple has a magnificent and world famous statue of eighteen armed Nataraja striking 81 dance poses. The third cave temple is the largest and most ornamental. It is dedicated to the to Vishnu. Here are some splendid carvings of the Hindu Pantheon. Narasimha, the half-man half-lion avatar of Vishnu, the Hari-Hara, the composite god who is half Shiva and half-Vishnu, Vishnu Narayana sitting as well as reclining on the snake Shesh or Ananta. The Bhutanatha Temples and the Museum set up by the Archeological Survey of India, are well worth a visit. Badami also has eighteen inscriptions ranging from the sixth to the sixteenth century.



Basavana Bagewadi :

43 km, Bagewadi was the birth place of Basaveswara, the great social & religious performer of Karnataka. Though the presiding deity of the main temple is Shiva as Sangamanatha, it is popularly called Basavana or Basaveswara.

Kudalasangama :-

is 67 km from Bijapur. It is famous pilgrim centre, associated with the great 12th century poet and reformer Saint Basaveshwara.


159 Kms, Historically associated with the Bahamani Kingdom, Gulbarga is also famous for the Sharana Basaveswara Temple.


254 Km, the ruins of the great capital of Vijayanagar dynasty lie here.


62 Km Jamkhandi was the capital of the former Maratha principality of the Patavardhans, cousins of Miraj family of Maharashtra. The place possibly derives its name from the old Chalukyan Temple dedicated to Jambukeswara.


16 Kms, the lake & water pavilion built by the Adil Shahis here are most striking construction.


6 Km, this place is famous for its Narasimha temple with an underground shrine. The Kannada version of the Ramayana was written by Kumara Valmiki in this temple & is hence popularly called Toravi Ramayana.


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