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8. Mayurasana (Peacock posture)

  1. Bend the legs backwards to come to Vajrasana position. Kneel down on the floor, keeping the knees apart. Keeping the elbow joints close to each other, place the palms on the ground in between the knees, fingers pointing inwards towards the feet.
  2. Bend at the elbow joints, support the body at the 'Nadhi' (navel) and place the head down touching the ground.
  3. Stretch the feet back, toes on the ground.
  4. Keeping elbow joints as fulcrum, move forward to raise and balance the body parallel to the ground. Look forward, Fore0arms are slightly inclined to the front. Return to Sthiti.
Mayurasana (Peacock posture)

BENEFITS: Beneficial for all stomach disorders. Tones up abdomen, strengthens the forearms, wrists and elbows. Prevents accumulation of gas. Vitalizes the endocrine in the abdomen.




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