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22. Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

The final position can be reached in two ways either starting from the sitting position or from lying down position.

A. Sthiti: Sit on the blanket with legs stretched out.

  1. Bend the right leg and place it on the left thigh.
  2. Place the left leg on the right thigh thus assuming Padmasana.
  3. Bend backwards; support the body first by the right elbow and then the left elbow and rest the head on the ground. Place the palms above the shoulders, the shoulders on either side of the head, fingers pointing to the shoulders.
  4. Taking the weight on the palms, lift the head and chest off the ground. Bring the centre of the crown of the head to the ground by bending the dorsal and cervical spine backwards. Remove the hands after the weight is balanced on the head. Catch hold of the big toes by hooking the index fingers around them. Maintain about 1/3 the time of maintenance of Sarvangasana about � meter.
    *Return to Sthiti through 5 to 8.
Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

B. Sthiti: Lie supine on the blanket with hands stretched above the head.

  1. Take the right leg and place it on the left thigh.
  2. Place the left leg over the right leg on the right thigh. Take the hands on either side of the head.
    *Other numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 are same. Counts 7 and 8 correspond to 1 and Sthiti of the lying-down position.
    *Matsyasana is a complementary asana to Sarvangasana and is normally maintained for about 1/3 the duration of Sarvangasana.

    BENEFITS: The benefits of Sarvanganasana are enhanced when it is followed by Matsyasana. Specially good for Diabetes, Asthma patients and people threatened with other lung diseases.




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